The main areas of IMC’s activities are: cultivation of grain & oilseeds crops;storage of grain & oilseeds crops


120 ths haLand bank

554 ths tGrain & oilseeds storage capacities

828 ths tProduction of grain & oilseeds in 2023

USD 139.5 mlnRevenue in 2023

USD 3.2 mlnEBITDA in 2023


21.05.2024 IMC completed the spring sowing campaign of 2024. In total, sunflower was sown on an area of 24.2 thousand hectares and corn on an area of 65.8 thousand hectares.

"This year's sowing of spring crops started on schedule, on April 10, but during the first week of the sowing campaign we had to stop for 10 days due to unfavorable weather conditions (rainfall, low temperatures). We managed to fully restore sowing only at the end of April. Despite this, thanks to the existing fleet of high-speed seeders and other modern machinery, as well as the coordinated work of the entire production team, we completed the 2024 sowing campaign in close to optimal terms. Most of the sown areas have already covered with good sprouts. Thanks to highly efficient technology with an intensive fertilization and crop protection system, we reasonably expect to achieve high planned crop yields", - commented Oleksandr Verzhykhovskyi, IMC Chief Operating Officer.

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