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The Board of Directors of IMC S.A. (hereinafter the "Company") informs that on 30 November 2021 dividend was distributed to shareholders of the Company by Polish Depositary System.

Documents related to the dividend distribution

Dividend 2021 KDPW pmnt 24 11 2021

Dividend 2021 tax pmnt 24 11 2021


The Board of Directors of IMC S.A. (hereinafter "the Company") hereby announces a distribution of the interim dividend to the Company’s shareholders.

The interim dividend of EUR 0.16 per share (sixteen euro cents per share), which was approved by resolution of the Board of Directors, will be payable on 30 November 2021 (the “Payment Date") to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 23 November 2021 (the “Record Date").

The dividend payment will be subject to deduction of Luxembourg withholding tax at a rate of 15%. Dividend will be paid in EURO.

BoD interim dividends minutes signed


The Board of Directors of IMC S.A. (hereinafter the "Company") informs that on 04 June 2021 dividend was distributed to shareholders of the Company by Polish Depositary System. Payment day initially established on 03 June 2021 was changed to 04 June 2021 because 03 June is a National holiday in Poland.  

Documents related to the dividend distribution

Dividend 2021 KDPW pmnt 01 06 2021

Dividend 2021 tax pmnt 01 06 2021

Withholding tax declaration on dividend


The Board of Directors of IMC S.A. (hereinafter "the Company") hereby announces a distribution of the interim dividend to the Company’s shareholders.

 The interim dividend of EUR 0.62 per share (sixty-two euro cents per share), which was approved by resolution of the Board of Directors, will be payable on 03 June 2021 (the “Payment Date") to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 27 May 2021 (the “Record Date").

 The dividend payment will be subject to deduction of Luxembourg withholding tax at a rate of 15%. Dividend will be paid in EURO.

BoD interim dividends minutes signed


The Board of Directors of IMC S.A. (hereinafter the "Company") informs that on 28 August 2020 dividend was distributed to shareholders of the Company by Polish Depositary System.  

Documents related to the dividend distribution

Dividend 2020 KDPW pmnt 26 08 2020

Dividend 2020 tax pmnt 26 08 2020

Withholding tax declaration on dividend



The Board of Directors of IMC S.A. (hereinafter "the Company") hereby announces a distribution of the interim dividend to the Company’s shareholders.

The interim dividend of EUR 0.18 per share (eighteen euro cents per share), which was approved by resolution of the Board of Directors, will be payable on 28 August 2020 (the “Payment Date") to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 21 August 2020 (the “Record Date").

The dividend payment will be subject to deduction of Luxembourg withholding tax at a rate of 15%. Dividend will be paid in EURO.

BoD interim dividends minutes signed



The Board of Directors of IMC S.A. (hereinafter the "Company") informs that on 29 August 2019 dividend was distributed to shareholders of the Company by Polish Depositary System.  

Documents related to the dividend distribution:

Dividend 2019 KDPW pmnt 26 08 2019

Dividend 2019 tax pmnt 26 08 2019

Withholding tax declaration on dividend



The Board of Directors of IMC S.A. (hereinafter "the Company") hereby announces a distribution of the interim dividend to the Company’s shareholders.

The interim dividend of EUR 0.45 per share (forty five euro cents per share
), which was approved by resolution of the Board of Directors, will be payable on 29 August 2019 (the “Payment Date") to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 22 August 2019 (the “Record Date").

The dividend payment will be subject to deduction of Luxembourg withholding tax at a rate of 15%. Dividend will be paid in EURO.

BoD interim dividends minutes signed



The Board of Directors of IMC S.A. (hereinafter the "Company") informs that on 14 September 2018 dividend was distributed to shareholders of the Company by Polish Depositary System.  

Documents related to the dividend distribution:

Dividend payment 11 09 2018

Withholding tax payment 11 09 2018

Withholding tax declaration on dividend



The Board of Directors of IMC S.A. (hereinafter "the Company") hereby announces a distribution of the interim dividend to the Company’s shareholders.

The interim dividend of EURO 0.34 per share (thirty four euro cents per share) which was approved by resolution of the Board of Directors will be payable on 14 September 2018 (the “Payment Date") to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 7 September 2018 (the “Record Date").

The dividend payment will be subject to deduction of Luxembourg withholding tax at a rate of 15%. Dividend will be paid in EURO.

BoD interim dividends minutes signed


Rada Dyrektorów IMC S.A. (dalej nazywana Spółką) informuje, że 27 września 2017 dywidenda została wypłacona akcjonariuszom Spółki za pośrednictwem Krajowego Depozytu Papierów Wartościowych.

Dokumenty dotyczące wypłaty dywidendy:

Dividend payment 27 09 2017

Withholding tax declaration

Withholding tax payment 27 09 2017


Zapowiedź wypłaty dywidendy

Rada Dyrektorów IMC S.A. (dalej "Spółka") niniejszym zapowiada wypłatę dywidendy zaliczkowej do akcjonariuszy Spółki. Dywidenda zaliczkowa w wysokości 0,05 EUR na akcje (pięć eurocentów na akcje) zaakceptowana uchwałą Rady Dyrektorów będzie wypłacona 27 września 2017 (Dzień wypłaty dywidendy) akcjonariuszom będący posiadaczami akcji na dzień 20 września 2017 ("Record Date"). Dywidenda podlega opodatkowaniu zgodnie z luksemburskim podatkiem obowiązującymi holdingu, w wysokości 15%. Dywidenda będzie wypłacona w euro.


Rada Dyrektorów Industrial Milk Company S.A. - dalej nazywanej Spółką - informuje, że Spółka zamierza wypłacać co roku dywidendę począwszy od wyników za rok finansowy 2016. ze wskaźnikiem wypłaty do 10% skonsolidowanego zysku netto Spółki oraz jej Spółek zależnych i pod warunkiem, że Spółka otrzyma otrzymała zgody na wypłatę dywidendy od swoich kredytodawców. 
